IntroductionElectromagnetic relays are commonly used to connect circuitry with moderate values of the switching current (i. e. the medium current circuits) at a voltage not exceeding 1000 V. They are used inter alia as actuators in the building automation systems (eg. KNX, LCN, LonWorks) or in drivers and the programmable relays (Easy, NEED). They differ among themselves with a structure, purpose, and technical parameters. In regard to the contacts of connectors made of different materials, in literature, there are often presented results of research carried out as well in normal operation as in terms of specific exposures. These studies, however, are often focused on the low voltage (<50 V) direct current circuits [8]. Similar research were performed by Morin [16], Neuhaus [17] or Doublet [6], who independently conducted similar work for contacting materials for low voltage direct current circuits. Research related to processes of switching in circuits of medium voltage alternating current are focused on current ranges from a few to several kA [1,9]. A noticeable is the lack of research in the field of low-and medium current AC switches at currents close to normal and short-circuit working conditions which may occur in low voltage electrical installations, that usually do not exceed 1 kA. Within the scope of modeling simulation studies are being conducted on the heating rail and contact connections with complex shapes, configurations and utilizing a variety of conductive materials [10].Relays for connecting the receiving circuits are exposed to unfavorable processes. These phenomena may include closing overload and short-circuit currents, which may lead to shortening the life ofrelays or, in extreme cases, their total damage. The article describes the impact of switching short-circuit on the change of the contact resistance. Relays with three different contacting materials have been investigated.Contact resistance of the connector is the important performance parameter. It is important that during the utilisation of the relay this resistance reaches values as small as possible and simultaneously do not differed significantly in time. Among other things, associated with its heating the safe working load of the relay depends on its value [15]. The contact resistance value is dependent on [7,14]:shape resistance -The resultant value of contact resistance (transition) is equal to:The tarnish resistance R n is difficult to determine analytically, since it depends on multiple, sometimes random, factors including: temperature, humidity, contact material. The shape resistance R k mainly depends on the resistivity and hardness of the contact material. To its description the single-point model with elliptical, equipotential current flowlines is often used [5,7]. The actual contact area is much smaller than the apparent (nominal) surface of the contact point. This model can be considered correct, at low contact pressure forces used in relays.The value of the contact resistance is affected by the material used for the con...