Abrupt onset and swift intensification characterize flash droughts. Global surface soil moisture (θRS) from NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite can facilitate a near‐real‐time assessment of emerging flash droughts at a 36‐km footprint. However, a robust flash drought monitoring using θRS must account for the (a) short observation record of SMAP, (b) nonlinear geophysical controls over θRS dynamics, and (c) emergent meteorological drivers of flash droughts. We propose a new method for near‐real‐time characterization of droughts using Soil Moisture Stress (SMS, drought stress) and Relative Rate of Drydown (RRD, drought stress intensification rate)—developed using SMAP θRS (March 2015–May 2021), footprint‐scale seasonal soil water retention parameters and land‐atmospheric coupling strength. SMS and RRD are nonlinearly combined to develop Flash Drought Stress Index (FDSI) to characterize emerging flash droughts (FDSI ≥ 0.71 for moderate to high RRD and SMS). Globally, FDSI shows a high correlation with concurrent meteorological anomalies. A mechanistic evaluation of flash droughts is presented for the Northern Great Plains, Central South Africa, and Eastern Australia using FDSI, SMS, and RRD. About 5.6% of the earth's landmass experienced flash droughts of varying intensity and duration during 2015–2021 (FDSI ≥ 0.71 for >30 consecutive days), majorly in global drylands. FDSI shows high skill in forecasting vegetation health with a lead of 0–2 weeks, with exceptions in irrigated croplands and mixed forests. With readily available parameters, low data latency, and no dependence on model simulations, we provide a robust tool for global near‐real‐time flash drought monitoring using SMAP.