Coatings are multi-component systems and surfaces/interfaces have a strong influence on their quality and play also an important role during paint application. Coating additives are used since many years successfully as "problem solvers" in coating formulations to overcome defects and in general to improve the overall quality. Many coating defects are closely connected with interfacial phenomena and therefore it is no surprise that oftentimes coating additives are surface active materials. Examples of typical coating defects are shown together with problem solutions using surface active coating additives. The development of coating additives is mainly driven by market needs. In the past excellent quality and performance had a very high priority. During the last 15 to 20 years the focus shifted more and more to ecological considerations. Less pollution of water and air is required and the range of raw materials from which the paint chemist can choose has shrunken (e.g., no more lead pigments, no more aromatic solvents). These changes are a constant challenge for additive producers. Coating additives normally do not trigger new developments in coatings but they can be the crucial factor to make a new and innovative coating system successful in the market.