Handball games are currently favored by young athletes in primary and secondary schools. The purpose of the study was to see athlete's needs of shooting skills training. It is one of the basic techniques of playing handball, especially for the young athlete. The study used qualitative descriptive approach through survey which has been used to collect data in handball club. The primer data are taken from questionnaire. It is divided into five parts. Part A is related to the coaches' style, part B is related to the shooting training variations, part C is related with the facilities of training, part D is related to the athlete needs of shooting training through basis coordination playing, and part E is related to the model of shooting training. The secondary data are taken from observation, and interview. Sample of study is young athletes that are taken from school clubs in Palembang. They are 15-17 years old. Data analysis used Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.The finding shows that the shooting skill training variation needs used 54 models to play handball game. It focused on the coordination-based game that has been divided into two types, namely type (invention) and type (improvement). Also, the concept of training instruction is individual, pair and group training which completed using appropriate media for handball game. The implication of the study is that the study helps some coaches to increase the game to be interesting and fun for the young athlete.