there have been considerable changes in the use of different types of detector systems at mammography facilities undertaking screening programs in Poland. The use of screen-film systems (termed SF systems) has largely decreased and been replaced by either computed radiography (termed CR systems) or digital radiography systems (termed DR systems); this inevitably affecting mean glandular dose values. The study aim was to evaluate changes of mean glandular dose values for a dose exposure of 4.5 cm (MGD 4,5cmPMMA ) achieved by using different image detectors. The study consisted of analysing 1499 protocols for quality control tests carried out by medical physicists at 16 Regional Coordination Offices in 2007, 2011, 2012 and 2013. The mean CR system values were higher than for SF systems; by 25% in 2011, by 26% in 2012, and by 28% in 2013. In subsequent years, the MGD 4,5cmPMMA mean values for DR systems were higher than for SF systems by respectively 15%, 4% and 5%. Also in the subsequent years, the MGD 4,5cmPMMA mean values for CR systems were higher than for DR systems by respectively 13%, 23% and 24%. In all cases, the MGD 4,5cmPMMA mean values were within the acceptable level of 2.5 mGy. The MGD 4,5cmPMMA mean values were different, depending on the detection system used for mammography screening in Poland. NOWOTWORY J Oncol 2017; 67, 2: 115-120