The development of fishery indicators is a crucial undertaking as it ultimately provides evidence to stakeholders about the status of fished species such as population size and survival rates. In Queensland, as in many other parts of the world, age-abundance indicators (e.g. fish catch rate and/or age composition data) are traditionally used as the evidence basis because they provide information on species life history traits as well as on changes in fishing pressures and population sizes. Often, however, the accuracy of the information from age-abundance indicators can be limited due to missing or biased data.Consequently, improved statistical methods are required to enhance the accuracy, precision and decision-support value of age-abundance indicators.This research uses three case studies as the basis for improving the effectiveness of ageabundance indicators in fisheries management: eastern king prawns, stout whiting and spanner crab.The case study species were chosen to demonstrate different aspects that age-abundance indicators need to adapt to. The case studies contrast different life history characteristics (e.g. varied lifespan), fishery management (e.g. effort versus harvest restrictions) and fishery challenges (e.g. fishing power bias and high operational costs of fishing for eastern king prawns; inconsistent data for stout whiting; need for more comprehensive management methodology for spanner crab). Collectively, the case studies form the scientific detail of the thesis.The first case study developed new methodology for the calculation of abundance indicators and reference points for eastern king prawns. Bio-economic indicators were standardised for calibrating simulations and identified catch-rate levels that were effective for monitoring profitability and useful in simple within-year effort-control rules. Favourable performance of catch-rate indicators in management was achieved only when a legitimate upper limit was placed on total allowable fishing effort. The findings inform decision makers on the uncertainty and assumptions affecting economic indicators.ii For the second case study, a new catch curve methodology was described for estimating annual survival fractions of stout whiting. The method analysed individual fish ageabundance data such as length and age by using Gaussian finite mixtures and was designed to overcome fishery dependent sampling issues, assuming that only fish ages within each length category were sampled randomly and that fish lengths themselves were not. The analysis improved estimates of stout whiting survival in waters along Australia's east coast. The catch curve mixture model applies naturally to monitoring data on fish ageabundance and is applicable to many fisheries.In the third case study, revised abundance indicators were developed to achieve more responsive spanner crab management. Simulations identified harvest and catch-rate baselines to assisting setting quotas that ensured sustainable crab biomass. The management procedure is robust against strong trend...