We aim to report a case of residual cyst in an 11-year-old male patient, which was treated by marsupialization as a conservative alternative to surgical enucleation.
An 11-year-old male patient reported to our department with a painless swelling of approximately 1.5x1 cm in size intraorally, both in the maxillary right buccal and palatal region for about 1 month. On fine needle aspiration, a yellow-coloured highly viscous fluid was observed which on histopathological examination revealed an infected cyst. This along with the clinical examination and history confirmed the diagnosis of a residual cyst. Marsupialization was chosen as a conservative treatment due to the size of the cyst and the age of the patient. Weekly follow-up and dressing change were carried out for 6 months which lead to a complete resolution of the cyst with continuous normal development of the occlusion. No adverse effects such as fever, infection, or pus discharge were seen at any time during treatment.
We have been able to design a treatment protocol which has provided us with a nonsurgical solution for large cystic lesions in growing patients without adverse effects for the complete duration of treatment.
Marsupialization should be considered as a treatment option for large residual cysts, especially in pediatric patients.
Key Words - Marsupialization, Maxilla, Mixed dentition, Residual cyst