Alternaria blight caused by Alternaria brassicae (Berk) Sacc. and A. brassicicola (Schw) Wiltshire is one of the most common and destructive disease of rapeseedmustard. The experiments were conducted under field condition to develop effective management strategies for this disease through evaluation of genotypes for resistance and application of fungicide, bio-agents and botanical. Out of 200 promising genotypes evaluated for resistance, none of the entry was found resistant, twenty two genotypes namely DLSC-1, DRMR-261, DRMR-270, GSC-101, GSL-1, NPC-20 and PHR-2, CNH-11-13, CNH-11-7, EC-552608, HNS-1001, PAB 04-10, PAB 05-16, PAB 05-19, PAB 09-05, PAB-2004-4, PAB-2005, PPBJ 5, PPBJ-2, PPBJ-3, PPBN 3 and PPBN-2 were moderately resistant and 63 genotypes moderately susceptible. Seed treatment with Apron @ 6g/Kg seed and spray of all fungicides, bio-agents and botanical extract, significantly reduced the blight severity in comparison to the untreated control (water spray). Of the fungicides, Nativo @ 0.05% was found most effective followed by Difenconazole @ 0.05%, Iprodione @ 0.2, Folicure @ 0.2, Difolatan@ 0.2, Mancozeb @ 0.2, Antracol @ 0.25, Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 1.0, Trichoderma harzianum @ 1.0 and Garlic bulb extract @ 1.0 which showed 8. 70%, 14.62%, 16.27%, 16.41%, 18.54%, 20.51%, 21.42%, 24.27%, 25.42%, and 26.83%, severity, respectively after third spray of each chemical, bio-agents and botanical extract. The disease severity of water spray control was 69.10%. Same tread was also recorded with per cent disease control. Maximum seed yield (kg/ha) and yield increase (%) of 1740.22, 37.90 was recorded with the treatment Nativo @ 0.05% followed by Difenconazole @ 0