<p>Urethral catheterization with a Foley catheter is one of the most common invasive measures performed in an Emergency Dept. Many potential complications related to catheterization, are infections, catheter encrustation, catheter blockage, bladder spasms, balloon rupture, leakage, and retained catheter. These complications occur more commonly with chronic indwelling catheters, but can happen in short-term use as well. A case of complication in a young woman due to a non-deflating balloon was reported. The catheter was successfully evacuated with cystoscopy procedure.</p><p>Kateterisasi urethral dengan kateter Foley adalah salah satu tindakan invasif yang umum di Instalasi Gawat Darurat. Risiko dan komplikasi dapat terjadi. Kasus seorang wanita datang dengan kateter Foley sudah dalam kondisi terpotong, dan ujung kateter terbelah dua berada persis di mulut ostium urethra eksterna (OUE). Evakuasi kateter cito dengan sistoskopi.</p>