Software testing techniques are gleaned from business to test the application under test against functional or non-functional requirements The methods used are Each testing technique is specific Helps to detect type deficiency. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured process, which is low productivity To develop high-quality, low-cost software over time helps. The goal of SDLC is, all customers meet expectations and demands and It's about building great software that breaks. ELECTRE (Elimination and Choix Traduisant La Realite -Elimination and Choice expresses reality) methods from recruitment to many real-world decision-making There are problems widely used. Transportation and more. Theoretical research on the fundamentals of electre methods is also active at this time. Alternative: Equal distribution, Boundary Value Analysis, Chaos, Cause-Effect graph, orthogonal array Test, all pair test. Evaluation Preference: Control Flow Testing, Branch Testing, Basic path testing, and data flow Test. From the result it is seen that data flow testing is got the first rank whereas is the control flow testing has the lowest rank. The value of the dataset for Range of Software Testing Techniques in ELECTRE Method shows that it results in data flow testing and top ranking.