As estratégias que as empresas têm adotado para promover inovações tecnológicas de produtos e serviços vêm mudando significativamente nos últimos anos. Um dos elementos de notável evolução diz respeito à maneira como as empresas conduzem a etapa de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) de novos produtos, serviços, processos e modelos de negócios. Diante dessa problemática, o presente artigo busca identificar práticas de inovação colaborativa no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Para melhor compreender a mudança nos processos de inovação, elegeu-se como campo empírico um caso da indústria automotiva. Abstract The strategies adopted by companies seeking to foster technological innovations in products and services have been changing significantly in the last years. One of the elements of notable evolution is related with the way companies conduct the research & development (R&D) of new products, services, processes and business models. The present article aimed to identify practices of collaborative innovation that have been used in the development of new products and elected a case from the automotive industry as its empirical field. Even though this industry has experienced the development of R&D together with its suppliers, co-creating value with end-users is new. The unity of analysis was the development project of Fiat Mio -Fiat Concept Car III (FCCIII) and the results showed that, during the FCCIII's development process, different practices of collaborative innovation were adopted, which provided the focal organization with access to a different pool of knowledge, external to its boundaries. Palabras clave Innovación, colaboración, cocreación, industria automotriz, innovación abierta.