The paper presents the results of simulation modelling of a transport hub connecting Bezhitsky and Sovetsky districts of Bryansk (Russia). A project for sustainable development of the territory has been designed for the area formed at the intersection of Bezhitskaya, Flotskaya and Ulyanova streets, aimed at creation of a comfortable environment. This project envisages the creation of a special “green” recreation zone that includes access to River Desna. To assess possible changes connected with the prospective commissioning of a new urban facility, evaluation of public accessibility within the given area is required. For this purpose, structuring and analysis of all qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the objects adjacent to the site was carried out with a view to create a traffic flow simulation model. The development of such a model will enable the profile experts to evaluate transport accessibility of the new facility by private and public transport and the expected traffic changes in the specified area.