Fages, E.; Gironés Bernabé, S.; Sanchez-Nacher, L.; Garcia-Sanoguera, D.; Balart, R. (2012). Use of wet-laid techniques to form flax-polypropylene nonwovens as base substrates for eco-friendly composites by using hot-press molding. Polymer Composites. 33:253-261. doi:0.1002/pc.22147.Use of wet-laid techniques to form flax-polypropylene nonwovens as base substrates for eco-friendly composites by using hot-press molding E. Fages (1) , S. Gironés (1) , L.Sánchez-Nacher (2) , D. García-Sanoguera (2) ,R. Balart (2)
AbstractThe wet-laid process with flax (base) and polypropylene (binder) fibres has been used to obtain nonwovens for further processing by hot-press molding. Mechanical characterization of nonwovens has revealed that slight anisotropy is obtained with the wet-laid process as better tensile strength is obtained in the preferential deposition direction. The thermo-bonding process provides good cohesion to nonwovens which is critical for further handling/shaping by hot-press molding. Flax:PP composites have been processed by stacking 8 individual flax:PP nonwoven sheets and applying moderate temperature and pressure. As the amount of binder fiber is relatively low (< 30 weight %) if compared with similar systems processed by extrusion and injection molding, it is possible to obtain eco-friendly composites as the total content on natural fiber (flax) is higher than 70 weight %. Mechanical characterization of hot-pressed flax:PP composites has revealed high dependency of tensile and flexural strength on the total amount of binder fiber as this component is responsible for flax fiber embedment which is a critical parameter to ensure good fiber-matrix interaction. Combination of wet-laid techniques with hot-press molding processes is interesting from both technical and environmental points of view as high natural fiber content composites with balanced properties can be obtained.