There is considerable current interest in the theoretical study of intermolecular forces and properties of interacting atoms. During the Eyring symposium, we reported on the application of the Brueckner-Goldstone (BG) many-body perturbation approach [l] to the calculation of the van der Waals (VDW) constant C, , for H-H, H-He, and He-He atoms [2]. The purpose of the present paper is to report the results of our calculation on three-body forces and also the effect of long-range interactions on the hyperfine structure (HFS) of paramagnetic atoms in a diamagnetic buffer gas atmosphere. The former is of considerable interest because a detailed knowledge of three-body dispersion forces is crucial to the quantitative understanding of intermolecular effects in liquids [ 3 ] . The theory of interatomic effects on HFS is of importance in the understanding of the hyperfine pressure shifts observable through optical pumping experiments [4].The VDW constant CAB in the two-body long-range interaction energy expression [5] A ( 2 ) E ( R A B ) = --C24B
R-1 L3( 1 ) can be calculated using the expression a( o) being the frequency dependent polarizabilities of the individual atoms. In a similar manner, the leading term of the nonadditive contribution to the interaction of three non-overlapping atoms A , B, and C at separations R,, , RB, , and R,, can be expressed as [6] (3 cos eA cos e B cos ec + 1)