Recent developments have revealed a new phenomenon, i.e. the residues of the poles of the holographic retarded two point functions of generic operators vanish at certain complex values of the frequency and momentum. This so-called pole-skipping phenomenon can be determined holographically by the near horizon dynamics of the bulk equations of the corresponding fields. In particular, the pole-skipping point in the upper half plane of complex frequency has been shown to be closed related to many-body chaos, while those in the lower half plane also places universal and nontrivial constraints on the two point functions. In this paper, we study the effect of higher curvature corrections, i.e. the stringy correction and Gauss-Bonnet correction, to the (lower half plane) pole-skipping phenomenon for generic scalar, vector, and metric perturbations. We find that at the poleskipping points, the frequencies ω n = −i2πnT are not explicitly influenced by both R 2 and R 4 corrections, while the momenta k n receive corresponding corrections.H. Corrections to k 1 in three channels of metric perturbations 30 -2 -Recently, the near horizon analysis is generalized in [17] to equations of bulk fields dual to spin-0, spin-1 and spin-2 operators, and pole-skipping is found to exist in retarded two point functions of these operators. However, these pole-skipping points appear in the lower half plane of the complex frequency, in contrast to the aforementioned pole-skipping point of chaos located in the upper half plane at ω = +i2πT . This indicates that pole-skipping may not always be directly related to quantum chaos, but could be a consequence of a more general feature of near horizon bulk equations. Relevant discussions can also be found in [18,19,20].where A and B are coefficients in the asymptotic expansion of the scalar field near the boundary φ → Ar ∆−4 + Br −∆ .(2.5) 2 In this paper, the AdS radius is always set to unity for convenience. 3 One may well consider the equivalent form ∇µ∇ µ ϕ − m 2 ϕ = 0. Note in that case, the near horizon expansion of the perturbation equation would in general be different at each order due to the extra √ −g factor. Of course, the physics will remain the same. Here we simply follow the convention used in [17] for the sake of comparison.11 Note that at λGB = 1/4, N 2 GB = 1/2, the shear viscosity vanishes, and the theory exhibits unusual properties in many aspects, such as quasinormal modes and thermodynamics, see [54,59,60] for detailed discussions. Since this value lies far outside of the causality range (4.3), we will not consider it in the following.