The integration of geological data obtained through fieldwork, remote sensing and airborne geophysics has been shown to be efficient in creation of precise geological maps. The Vieirópolis region, sited in the west of the Rio Grande do Norte Subprovince of the Borborema Province, is characteristically made up of rocks intensely deformed by transcurrent shear zones and late brittle structures which control the mineralization of gemmological and industrial minerals. ASTER GDEM and airborne geophysical images (magnetometry and gamma-ray spectrometry) were used in order to enhance the geological knowledge of this region and to facilitate the identification and delimitation of structures and lithologies mapped during stages of fieldwork. Thus, a geological map on a scale of 1:50,000 was achieved, made up of six main lithological units and three new shear zones (Vieirópolis, Lastro and São Pedro), as well as the NE-SW-trending Portalegre Shear Zone. Within the newly mapped structures, the Vieirópolis Shear Zone stands out due to its expressiveness. Aeromagnetometry data suggest that this zone originated on the edge of the Brejo das Freiras Subbasin, part of the Portalegre Shear Zone System. NW-SE, ESE-WNW and E-W lineaments were correlated to lesser extent brittle structures which sometimes transversely cut the regional foliation, allowing pegmatite fluids to rise. The RGB ternary composition map (K, eTh, eU) also corroborates the presence of these structures, besides helping to determine lithological units. In this case study, the integration of direct and indirect data showed to be essential for the understanding and producing of local geological map.