Chromosome microdissection is an important means to efficiently generate a large number of markers from a desired region of a genome. The present study was designed to initiate microdissection and amplification of DNA from whole chromosomes, arms, or bands of porcine chromosomes. The following pig (SSC) chromosomes/segments were scraped: SSC1p, SSC1q26-q2.13, SSC2q11-q14, SSC4q12-q25, SSC13, SSC13q12-q31, SSC13q32-q43, SSC13q32-q43, SSC15, and SSC16q21-q23. After amplification and PCR-labelling, the DNA from the dissected segments were painted back to normal metaphase chromosomes to test their identity. Microdissection of some of the segments (on SSC4, 13 and 15) coincides with the mapping of economically important traits. As a first step towards generation of markers, microcloning of amplified product from SSC1p and SSC15 was carried out. The libraries were screened with a (GT)15 oligonucleotide probe. Future prospects of such a work in farm animals are discussed.