The distribution of titanium abundance on the lunar surface is important knowledge for lunar geologic studies and future resource utilization. In this paper, we develop a preliminary model based on "ground truths" from Apollo and Luna sample-return sites to produce a titanium abundance map from Chang'E-1 Imaging Interferometer (IIM) images. The derived TiO 2 abundances are validated with Clementine UVVIS results in several regions, including lunar highlands neighboring the Apollo 16 landing site, and high-Ti and low-Ti maria near the standard site of Mare Serenitatis (MS2). The validation results show that TiO 2 abundances modeled with Chang'E-1 IIM data are overestimated for highlands (~0.7 wt.%) and low-Ti maria (~1.5 wt.%) and underestimated for high-Ti maria (~0.8 wt.%).Chang'E-1, Imaging Interferometer (IIM), TiO 2 mapping, Clementine UVVIS Citation: