DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2019.1585757
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Mapping the international knowledge base of educational leadership, administration and management: a topographical perspective

Abstract: This study mapped the international knowledge base of educational leadership, administration and management (EdLAM) from a topographical perspective. Altogether 1,651 publications from 18 peerreviewed English journals published between 2007 and 2016 were reviewed. Combining bibliometric and content analyses, we identified 55 countries and regions that produced EdLAM publications. About half of the publications came from five Anglo-Saxon countries, a quarter from Europe and a quarter from four emerging regions … Show more

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Cited by 16 publications
(12 citation statements)
References 122 publications
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“…Concerning geographic coverage, variations in the volume of EDLM research across nations have been noted in previous reviews of EDLM research from developing societies (e.g, Atari and Outum, 2019;Castillo and Hallinger, 2018;Flessa et al, 2018;Hallinger and Bryant, 2013;Hallinger and Hammad, 2019;Tian and Huber, 2019a). Consistent with these findings, the analysis found a strikingly uneven distribution of the literature: as charted in Figure 1, 62.5% (N ¼ 170) of the articles were about/from Saudi Arabia, which makes this society the largest producer of EDLM knowledge in the region, reflecting the many universities that have been established and the amount of research money made available in comparison with the much smaller countries in the Gulf.…”
Section: Geographic Distribution Of the Gulf Edlm Literaturementioning
confidence: 87%
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“…Concerning geographic coverage, variations in the volume of EDLM research across nations have been noted in previous reviews of EDLM research from developing societies (e.g, Atari and Outum, 2019;Castillo and Hallinger, 2018;Flessa et al, 2018;Hallinger and Bryant, 2013;Hallinger and Hammad, 2019;Tian and Huber, 2019a). Consistent with these findings, the analysis found a strikingly uneven distribution of the literature: as charted in Figure 1, 62.5% (N ¼ 170) of the articles were about/from Saudi Arabia, which makes this society the largest producer of EDLM knowledge in the region, reflecting the many universities that have been established and the amount of research money made available in comparison with the much smaller countries in the Gulf.…”
Section: Geographic Distribution Of the Gulf Edlm Literaturementioning
confidence: 87%
“…Despite the dramatic developments that educational leadership and management (EDLM) has witnessed over the past few decades, one of the serious limitations of the field has been the domination of Anglo-American perspectives (Blunt and Jones, 1997;Bridges, 1982). A recent review of the global EDLM knowledge base revealed that about 50% of the articles published between 2007 and 2016 came from five Anglo-Saxon countries, while the remaining 50% came from the rest of the world (Tian and Huber, 2019a). Recognition of such a limitation has been evident in concerns raised by EDLM scholars about the universality of Western leadership theories and practices and their applicability to non-Western contexts (Bajunid, 1996;Belchetz and Leithwood, 2007;Cheng, 1995;Hallinger, 1995).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Despite the above-mentioned broad categorization of existing review studies within the field of EDLM, some do not easily fit into any of the three categories. These studies often combine different approaches (for instance, combining content analysis and bibliometric analysis, or thematic synthesis and content analysis) with the aim of providing a more accurate depiction of the reviewed literature (e.g., Gümüş et al, 2018; Hallinger and Chen, 2015; Nguyen et al, 2020; Tian and Huber, 2019). In addition, some of the studies categorized in one of the three groups also benefit from different approaches to strengthen their reviews, even though these approaches are not explicitly mentioned.…”
Section: Conceptual Frameworkmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Di awal perkembangannya kepala sekolah dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai supervisor dicap menjadi inspektur karena memang tugasnya adalah melakukan inspeksi atau mengawasi. Sebagai pengawas, mereka memiliki tanggung jawab untuk campur tangan langsung dalam pekerjaan guru untuk memperbaiki praktik dan kinerja pengajaran mereka (Kusumaningrum et al, 2020;Tian & Huber, 2021;Wahab et al, 2020). Namun, pengawasan sebagai inspeksi pada praktik pendidikan telah berkembang secara bertahap menuju pada konsep dan praktis yang lebih efektif.…”
Section: Pendahuluanunclassified
“…Namun, pengawasan sebagai inspeksi pada praktik pendidikan telah berkembang secara bertahap menuju pada konsep dan praktis yang lebih efektif. Model yang berbeda telah diperkenalkan oleh peneliti dan penulis buku yang disimpulkan dari berbagai studi yang dilakukan dalam menemukan praktik supervisi kepala sekolah, dan organisasi lainnya (Tian & Huber, 2021). Di antara model supervisi yang berbeda, Supervisi klinis adalah yang paling banyak digunakan (Panigrahi, 2013a).…”
Section: Pendahuluanunclassified