Abstract:In this paper, we demonstrate simultaneous AFM/NSOM using a dual-tip normal tuning-fork based scanning probe microscope. By scanning two SPM probes simultaneously, one dedicated for AFM with a standard tip diameter of 20 nm, and the second having a 150 nm aperture NSOM fiber with 200 nm thick gold coating, we combine the benefits of ∼20 nm spatial resolution from the AFM tip with the spectral information of a near-field optical probe. The combination of simultaneous dual-tip scanning enables us to decouple the requirements for high resolution topography and probe functionality. Our method represents a marked shift from previous applications of multi-probe SPM where essentially a pump-probe methodology is implemented in which one tip scans the area around the second. As a model system, we apply dual-tip AFM/NSOM scanning to a sample of spin-cast nano-clustered Lumogen dyes, which show remarkable brightness and photochemical stability. We observe morphology features with a resolution of 20 nm, and a nearfield optical resolution of 150 nm, validating our approach.Keywords: multiprobe; NSOM; SPM; lumogen; FRET; tuning fork probe. a Shirly Berezin and Basanth S. Kalanoor contributed equally to this work *Corresponding author: Yaakov R. Tischler, Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 52900, Israel, e-mail: yrt@biu.ac.il Shirly Berezin and Yuval Garini: Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, and Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 52900, Israel Basanth S. Kalanoor: Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, and Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 52900, Israel Hesham Taha: Nanonics Imaging Ltd., Jerusalem, 97775, Israel
Edited by Aaron Lewis 1 IntroductionAtomic force microscopy (AFM) since its introduction in 1986 [1] has been limited in its technology to single probes investigating a sample surface. Nonetheless, the goal of achieving multiprobe AFM operation was a most desirable objective which was difficult to achieve. This article describes the application of a highly developed multiprobe platform and one of its applications to near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM). In this particular application, we demonstrate that such a platform can readily address the dichotomy between achieving the best NSOM resolution while not sacrificing on the on-line AFM resolution of the structure.The development of mulitiprobe scanning probe microscopy (SPM) technology based on AFM was quite complex. This complexity arose from a complicated interaction between probe technology, feedback technology, and the geometry of the construction of the SPM.The history of such multiprobe technology was therefore initially based on scanning tunneling microscopy and the guiding of the probes to relatively close proximity was defined by an on-line scanning electron microscope. There are several reports on the development of multiprobe STM equipped with up to four probes [2][3]...