The present paper tries to understand the system of marriage in Kashmir among muslims in its historical outline. The focus of the paper is: how over the years there have crept changes in this institution owing to outside influence, modernization, globalization and Islamization. The province of Kashmir has a unique culture owing to its geographical distinctness as a land locked entity.The marriage of Muslims usually starts with Nishan i.e., the custom of finalising a marriage when the parents or relatives from groom’s family go to bride’s family. It is followed by Passil when guests from either family take turns to go to others family with gifts. Then are the different customs related to the marriage proper which can last up to many days after the marriage-proper. These include Manziraat, Baarat, Sat-Raat and Firsaal. The customs, gifts exchanged and the duration of marriage differ from family to family according to their wealth and status. In the last three decades, the institution of marriage in Kashmir has undergone huge changes resulting in over-spending, late marriages and many other sociological problems as a result of these.