Wissenschaftliche ArbeitspapiereDie wissenschaftlichen Studien des IMU untersuchen neue Entwicklungen, die für die marktorientierte Unternehmensführung von Bedeutung sind. Hieraus werden praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse abgeleitet und in der Reihe der wissenschaftlichen Arbeitspapiere veröffentlicht. Viele dieser Veröf-fentlichungen sind inzwischen in renommierten Zeitschriften erschienen und auch auf internationalen Konferenzen (z.B. der American Marketing Association) ausgezeichnet worden.
SchriftenreiheNeben der Publikation wissenschaftlicher Arbeitspapiere gibt das IMU in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gabler Verlag eine Schriftenreihe heraus, die herausragende wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der marktorientierten Unternehmensführung behandelt.
Anwendungsorientierte Forschung
AbstractMarket orientation has received substantial academic and practitioner interest over the last decade. However, previous research has not addressed the issue how a company's management systems can be designed in a market-oriented way. Starting from a systemsbased perspective of management, the authors develop and validate a scale measuring the extent of market orientation of a business organization's management systems including the organization system, the information system, the planning system, the controlling system, and the human resource management system. Empirical results reveal a substantial positive impact of market-oriented management on market performance which in turn leads to financial performance.1
MARKET-ORIENTED MANAGEMENT: A SYSTEMS-BASED PERSPECTIVEMarket orientation has received substantial academic and practitioner interest over the last decade. However, previous research has not addressed the issue how a company's management systems can be designed in a market-oriented way. Starting from a systems-based perspective of management, the authors develop and validate a scale measuring the extent of market orientation of a business organization's management systems including the organization system, the information system, the planning system, the controlling system, and the human resource management system. Empirical results reveal a substantial positive impact of market-oriented management on market performance which in turn leads to financial performance.
2Market orientation as a business organization's orientation towards its customers and competitors has been emphasized as a central key to company success by academics and managers alike. As an example, Harris (1996: 25) points out that "the development of market orientation is accepted as one of the major issues for organizations over the next decade".Academic research on this topic is still limited however. The management literature is typically focusing on specific research questions such as the implications of market orientation for human resource management (e.g. Mohr-Jackson, 1991) and does not provide an integrated perspective. The marketing literature has looked at selected aspects related to market orientiation including measurement issues, determin...