The purpose of this paper is to present the technique for evaluating the performance of a condensate system of a coal-based thermal power plant situated in the northern part of India. The data which used for system availability evaluation are not precise and are uncertain and, further, collected from concerned power plant history sheets and from discussion through plant personnel.
In the proposed model, traditional Markov birth-death process using a probabilistic approach is used to analyze the performance of a complex repairable condensate system of power plant up to a desired degree of accuracy. This approach has been demonstrated by breaking the condensate system into six subsystems arranged in series with two feasible states, namely, working and failed, labeled in a transition diagram and modeled as a Markov process, using Chapman–Kolmogorov equations, which are used for development of a probabilistic stochastic model for availability analysis in a more effecting manner, considering some suitable assumptions.
This study of analysis of reliability and availability can help in increasing the plant production and performance. The analysis is done with the help of availability matrices, which are developed using different combinations of failures and repair rates of all subsystems. To achieve the goal of maximum power generation, it is required to run the various subsystem of the concerned system of plant, failure free for a long duration. Therefore, the present approach may be a more powerful analysis tool to access the performance of all subsystems of a condensate system in terms of availability level achieved in availability matrices. The results of present study are found to be highly beneficial to the plant management for making maintenance decisions.
The present paper suggests a suitable technique for stochastic modeling and availability evaluation of an industrial system using Markovian approach and drawing a transition diagram to represent the operational behavior of the system. The present methodology includes the advantage of the ability to model and develop a more complex industrial system and helps in improving the performance and handling the uncertainties and possibilities of an industrial system.