Abstract. Given a linear semi-bounded symmetric operator S ≥ −ω, we explicitly define, and provide their nonlinear resolvents, nonlinear maximal monotone operators A Θ of type λ > ω (i.e. generators of one-parameter continuous nonlinear semi-groups of contractions of type λ) which coincide with the Friedrichs extension of S on a convex set containing the domain of S. The extension parameter Θ ⊂ h × h ranges over the set of nonlinear maximal monotone relations in an auxiliary Hilbert space h isomorphic to the deficiency subspace of S. Moreover A Θ + λ is a sub-potential operator (i.e. is the sub-differential of a lower semicontinuous convex function) whenever Θ is sub-potential. Applications to Laplacians with nonlinear singular perturbations supported on null sets and to Laplacians with nonlinear boundary conditions on a bounded set are given.