The absence of a global magnetic field at Mars leads to a nearly direct interaction of the solar wind with the ionosphere and to the formation of an induced magnetosphere where the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) drapes around the ionospheric obstacle. However, the existence of strong localized crustal magnetic fields (Acuña et al., 1999, Connerney et al., 2005 adds features typical for planets with a global intrinsic magnetic field. As a result, the Martian magnetosphere contains elements of induced and intrinsic origin (see e.g., Dubinin, Luhmann, & Slavin, 2020;Halekas et al., 2021;Nagy et al., 2004). To display these components one must use different coordinate systems. Effects of the induced origin are well observed utilizing the Mars Solar Electric (MSE) coordinate system which has the X MSE axis antiparallel to the upstream solar wind flow, the Y MSE axis along the cross-flow magnetic field component of the IMF in the solar wind, and the Z MSE axis pointing in the direction of the solar wind motional electric field (−V sw × B IMF ), where V sw and B IMF are the vectors of the velocity and the magnetic field in the solar wind, respectively (