The inhomogeneous quark condensate, responsible for dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in cold nuclear matter, is studied by putting skyrmions onto the face-centered cubic crystal and treating the skyrmion matter as nuclear matter. By varying the crystal size, we explore the effect of density on the local structure of the quark-antiquark condensate. By endowing the light vector mesons ρ and ω with hidden local symmetry and incorporating a scalar meson as a dilaton of spontaneously broken scale symmetry, we uncover the intricate interplay of heavy mesons in the local structure of the quark condensate in dense baryonic matter described in terms of skyrmion crystal. It is found that the inhomogeneous quark density persists to as high a density as ∼ 4 times nuclear matter density. The difference between the result from the present approach and that from the chiral density wave ansatz is also discussed.PACS numbers: 11.30. Qc,11.30.Rd,12.39.Dc While the observation of the Higgs boson is considered to account for the masses of "elementary constituents" of visible matter, i.e., quarks and leptons, the bulk of the mass of the proton, the constituents of which are three light quarks, i.e., two up quarks and one down quark, remains more or less unexplained. The quark masses account for only < ∼ 1% of the proton mass. This is in marked contrast to the next scale hadron, the nucleus. The mass of a nucleus of mass number A is given almost entirely, say, ∼ 98%, by the sum of the masses of A nucleons. It is generally accepted, although not proven rigorously, that the nucleon mass arises from the nonperturbative dynamics of strong interactions encoded in QCD. What is involved is quark confinement and chiral symmetry spontaneously broken by the vacuum. It is not established but generally believed that the two are related. It is easier to address the latter in effective theories, so we will focus on it in what follows.In QCD, the order parameter of the chiral symmetry breaking is the pion decay constant f π and, in terms of the fundamental QCD quantities, the quark condensates, typically the two-quark condensate qq . The two-quark condensate in cold or hot dense matter has been studied for a long time. In Refs. [1, 2] it was found that in neutron matter at the neutron star density, both the σ (the isoscalar component of the chiral four-vector) and pion condensates exist and because of the chiral invariance of the system, these two condensates are linked to each other through a chiral rotation. Later, the approach put forward in Ref.[1] was investigated in more detail, and it was found that both condensates, σ and the pion, * † ‡ § could depend on the position; that is, the condensates are inhomogeneous [3]. In a phenomenological model with nucleons as explicit degrees of freedom which are put on a crystal lattice, Pandharipande and Smith found that in solid neutron matter, given an enhanced attractive tensor force, which is stronger...