Figure 1: Visualization of inertial critical points and a glyph-based visualization of the asympotic behavior of inertial particles. The sink (blue critical point) that is reached by an inertial particle depends on its initial position x 0 and the initial velocity v 0 . The glyph location encodes x 0 and the glyph disc color-codes the sink that is reached for a certain v 0 . The glyph center represents v 0 = 0 and the selected glyph is enlarged in the bottom right corner, showing the seeds of inertial particle trajectories. Left: BORROMEAN RINGS with particle diameter dp = 70 µm and maximal velocity vmax = 10 m/s (occurs at glyph boundary), middle: DUFFING OSCILLATOR with dp = 100 µm, vmax = 5 m/s, and right: NINE CP with dp = 70 µm, vmax = 10 m/s. Inertial critical point types are listed in Table 1.
AbstractVector field topology is a powerful and matured tool for the study of the asymptotic behavior of tracer particles in steady flows. Yet, it does not capture the behavior of finite-sized particles, because they develop inertia and do not move tangential to the flow. In this paper, we use the fact that the trajectories of inertial particles can be described as tangent curves of a higher dimensional vector field. Using this, we conduct a full classification of the first-order critical points of this higher dimensional flow, and devise a method to their efficient extraction. Further, we interactively visualize the asymptotic behavior of finite-sized particles by a glyph visualization that encodes the outcome of any initial condition of the governing ODE, i.e., for a varying initial position and/or initial velocity. With this, we present a first approach to extend traditional vector field topology to the inertial case.