Mitigation of undesired byproducts from ozonation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) such as aldehydes and ketones is currently hampered by limited knowledge of their precursors and formation pathways. Here, the stable oxygen isotope composition of H 2 O 2 formed simultaneously with these byproducts was studied to determine if it can reveal this missing information. A newly developed procedure, which quantitatively transforms H 2 O 2 to O 2 for subsequent 18 O/ 16 O ratio analysis, was used to determine the δ 18 O of H 2 O 2 generated from ozonated model compounds (olefins and phenol, pH 3−8). A constant enrichment of 18 O in H 2 O 2 with a δ 18 O value of ∼59‰ implies that 16 O− 16 O bonds are cleaved preferentially in the intermediate Criegee ozonide, which is commonly formed from olefins. H 2 O 2 from the ozonation of acrylic acid and phenol at pH 7 resulted in lower 18 O enrichment (δ 18 O = 47−49‰). For acrylic acid, enhancement of one of the two pathways followed by a carbonyl−H 2 O 2 equilibrium was responsible for the smaller δ 18 O of H 2 O 2 . During phenol ozonation at pH 7, various competing reactions leading to H 2 O 2 via an intermediate ozone adduct are hypothesized to cause lower δ 18 O in H 2 O 2 . These insights provide a first step toward supporting pHdependent H 2 O 2 precursor elucidation in DOM.