‘I Dream of a Digital India where cyber security becomes an integral part of National Security’—Narendra Modi Fulling this dream one as to realise the fact ‘Cyber Security is not easy. But it comes down to three basic principles—PROTECT, DETECT AND RESPOND as early as possible’—Advent from AIIMS Case The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), a top public medical research facility and hospital with headquarters in New Delhi, India, announced a sophisticated cyber-incident on its servers on 23 November 2022. Several patient care services were rendered unavailable as a result of the incident, including registration, admission, billing and discharge. Several news sources claim that this cyber event, which affected the e-services of the AIIMS (New Delhi) starting at 7:00 a.m. on 23 November 2022, was of the ransomware variety. The testing runs of the e-hospital server were successful, and the majority of the lost data had been recovered during the previous few days, according to AIIMS authorities’ confirmation on 6 December 2022. The case provides background on the healthcare industry and a brief analysis of the incident, along with the measures taken to prevent such attacks in the future.