Light-front holographic QCD provides a successful first approximation to hadron spectroscopy in the chiral limit of (3 + 1)-dim light-front QCD, where a holographic Schrödinger-like Equation, with an emerging confining scale, κ, governs confinement in the transverse direction. In its supersymmetric formulation, light-front holography predicts that each baryon has two superpartners: a meson and a tetraquark, with their degenerate masses being generated by the same scale, κ. In nature, this mass degeneracy is lifted by chiral symmetry breaking and longitudinal confinement.In this paper, we show that the latter can be successfully captured by the 't Hooft Equation of(1 + 1)-dim, large N c , QCD. Together, the holographic Schrödinger Equation and the 't Hooft Equation, provide a good global description of the data across the full hadron spectrum with a universal κ.