to be zero d at Hin Fig. 2, waiting time for homogeneousnucleation surface energy Literature Cited [sec] [sec] [erg/ cm2] 1) Harano, Y., K. Nakano, M. Saito and T. Imoto: /. Chem. Eng. Japan, 9, 373 (1976).2) Harano, Y. andK. Oota: ibid., ll, 119 (1978 Rates of mass transfer from liquid phase to small particles (average diameter, 0.46-1.3 mm) were measured by use of ion-exchange reaction followed by instantaneous irreversible reaction at 30°C. Nitrogen gas and dilute aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide were fed into a shallow bed packed with a strong cation exchange resin. Volumetric mass transfer coefficients for gasliquid cocurrent up flow and downflow were almost identical at the same gas and liquid flowrates but became somewhat greater than those in liquid-full single phase flow. A unified correlation could be derived by arranging experimental data for three arrangements : liquid-full single phase flow, gas-liquid cocurrent up flow and down flow (trickle-bed).