This descriptive qualitative research uses Bibliometric Analysis by utilizing the Biblioshiny-R tool. This research determines the influence of an author, document, affiliation, source, and country in article publication with war and global economy themes. The source of the analysis data with the theme of war and global economy comes from the Scopus database without any restrictions. Weiss MA is the most influential author. At the same time, Liu Y has the highest h index. The University of California is the most influential affiliate, and at the same time, the Cambridge Journal of Economics has the highest h index. The economy is the most influential keyword in the publication. At the same time, the war keyword also appears the most. Gössling S, 2020, J Sustainable Tour and USA are the most influential documents and country publications. Until now, no bibliometric research has been found that discusses the Scopus database on war and the global economy. What is new from this research is the use of Biblioshiny-R in the Scopus database analysis on war and the global economy, which has never been done before. It is hoped that more scientists, students, lecturers, and researchers will be interested in researching the effects of war on the global economy, especially wars that use nuclear and chemical weapons. As a result, the Government can develop policies to anticipate/avoid wars using nuclear and chemical weapons.