We develop a quantum field theoretical framework to analytically study the three-body constrained Bose-Hubbard model beyond mean field and non-interacting spin wave approximations. It is based on an exact mapping of the constrained model to a theory with two coupled bosonic degrees of freedom with polynomial interactions, which have a natural interpretation as single particles and two-particle states. The procedure can be seen as a proper quantization of the Gutzwiller mean field theory. The theory is conveniently evaluated in the framework of the quantum effective action, for which the usual symmetry principles are now supplemented with a "constraint principle" operative on short distances. We test the theory via investigation of scattering properties of few particles in the limit of vanishing density, and we address the complementary problem in the limit of maximum filling, where the low lying excitations are holes and di-holes on top of the constraint induced insulator. This is the first of a sequence of two papers. The application of the formalism to the many-body problem, which can be realized with atoms in optical lattices with strong three-body loss, is performed in a related work [14].PACS numbers: 03.70.+k,11.15.Me,67.85.Hj
I. INTRODUCTIONLattice theories with constrained bosons have proven to be a powerful description of various spin models and strongly correlated systems in condensed matter physics [1]. On the other hand, such theories with constrained lattice bosons have recently arisen naturally in effective models for experiments with cold atoms in optical lattices. In the presence of large two-body and three-body loss processes, bosons in an optical lattice are described on short timescales by a model with two-body and threebody constraints respectively [2,3]. The behavior of the Bose gas is changed drastically; for example, in the case of the three-body constraint, the creation of an attractive Bose gas with atomic (ASF) and dimer superfluid (DSF) phases is possible [3]. While the possibility of such an ASF-DSF transition has been predicted earlier in the context of continuum attractive Bose gases near Feshbach resonances [4,5], the constrained lattice system offers an intrinsic stabilization mechanism to observe such a phenomenology in experiments. This serves as one motivation to study such models theoretically in more detail, in particular exploring the consequences of the presence of the constraint. We also note that by the same dissipative blockade mechanism, constrained models with fermions may be created [6,7].Here our goal is to describe the physics of a constrained boson system beyond a mean-field plus spin wave approach (see e.g. [1]). In order to do this, we find an exact mapping of the original constrained bosonic Hubbard model to a theory of two coupled unconstrained bosonic degrees of freedom which interact polynomially. The resulting theory is conveniently analyzed in the framework of the quantum effective action, which makes it possible to study both thermodynamical and dynami...