“…This index is selective in references to Silius Italicus, the Second Punic War, Hannibal, Scipio Africanus, the Romans, and the Carthaginians, about whom discussion can be found in each and every essay of this volume. 120,205,347,372,380 Aeneas: 85,166,342 and 155,284,291 aetiology,aition: 180,185,poem: 66 Africa: 56,141,221,286,355,388 Agamemnon: 166,348 Agenor: 78,323 162,165,165 Evander: 225,392 daughter of: 223 excursus in epic : 191,193,321 Fabian,gens: 192,246 300 Fabii: 223,349 (see also Cremera) Fabius Maximus, Quintus: 18, 67, 137-38, 193, 219-30, 238-39, 407 91,104,194,199,222,242,262 75,77,185,187,[84][85][86][87]…”