The issue of green-pesantren or eco-pesantren is increasingly important to be realized by pondok pesantren by managing the pesantren environment to be cleaner and greener and increasing the knowledge of santri (student) in environmental issues, including in waste management. This research aims to test the effectiveness of waste management and maggot cultivation education and training on santri’s knowledge. An experimental research model is used to analyze the impact of the treatment given, namely education and training for santri. The data collection methods used were tests and observations. The data analysis method used is descriptive statistics and t-tests. The research was conducted at Pondok Pesantren As Salafy Al Asror Semarang, involving 30 santri in May 2024. The study results showed that santri’s knowledge in managing food waste and cultivating maggots still needed to be higher. The education and training significantly increased students’ knowledge of food waste management and maggot cultivation. Students are expected to be able to follow up on the training provided by carrying out maggot cultivation in the pondok pesantren environment or respective places of residence.