The sections in this article are
Sources of Nanoparticles
Epidemiological Evidence
Entry Routes into the Human Body
Inhalation, Deposition and Pulmonary Clearing of Insoluble Solids
Biopersistence of Inhaled Solid Material
Systemic Translocation of Inhaled Particles
Intestinal Tract
Deposition and Translocation
Intestinal Translocation and Disease
Deposition and Penetration through the Skin
Irritation of Skin
What Makes Nanoparticles Dangerous?
Particle Size – Surface and Body Distribution
Effect of Size
Effect of Surface Charges
Nanoparticles, Thrombosis and Lung Inflammation
Prothrombotic Effect
Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Endotoxins
Nanoparticles and Cellular Uptake
Nanoparticles and the Blood–Brain Barrier
Summary and Discussion
What Can be Done?