Mothers may aff ect the future success of their off spring by varying allocation to eggs and embryos. Allocation may be adaptive based on the environmental conditions perceived during early breeding. We investigated the eff ects of food supplementation and predation risk on yolk hormone transfer in the pied fl ycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca . In a food supplementation experiment, females were food-supplemented prior to and during egg-laying and androgen concentrations were measured throughout the laying order. Predation risk was investigated in three diff erent studies combining both correlative data, where fl ycatchers bred in close proximity to two diff erent predator species that prey upon adult fl ycatchers (either Tengmalm ' s owl Aegolius funereus or pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum ), and an experimental manipulation, where fl ycatchers were exposed to cues of a nest predator (least weasel Mustela nivalis ). Females receiving food supplementation laid eggs with lower concentrations of androstenedione (A4) than females not receiving food supplements. Yolk testosterone (T) concentration showed the same pattern but the diff erence was not statically signifi cant. Testosterone (but not A4) concentration increased within clutches, from the fi rst to the last egg, independently of the food supplementation. Females breeding under high predation risk did not diff er from control females in their yolk androgen levels (A4, T or progesterone). However, concentrations of A4 tended to be lower in the proximity of pygmy owls, which could indirectly increase off spring survival after fl edging. Food supplementation during egg-laying seems to have a stronger impact on maternal transfer of androgens than predation risk. Food availability and predation risk could diff erentially aff ect the trade-off s of androgen allocation for the off spring when raised in good vs. dangerous environments.