In Indonesia, there is 150,296 people with HIV AIDS. The prevention efforts is increased by awareness of the sufferer’s. They can do self- disclosure about their HIV status with the family. However, mothers feel afraid to tell their children because of the stigma. They afraid their children will leak their status to others, or become depressed. Whereas the openness of status has a positive impact on mothers, such as providing social support and increasing mother's motivation in caring of their children. The study aimed to determine the experiences of mothers with HIV in self-disclosure to children in Yogyakarta. This study used qualitative research with an interpretive phenomenological approach. Data analysis using Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis. The data collection technique used semi-structured interviews. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the inclusion criteria: HIV women with 26-45 years and already having children. The number of participants was 5 participants in Yogyakarta. This research got 5 themes to achieve the research objectives. These themes were (1) Feeling "guilty" of children; (2) Trying to rise of life; (3) Trying to let go of the burdens life; (4) Disappointed caused by frightened; (5) Relief of being children acceptance. Self-disclosure is important because it can reduce the burden on clients of people living with HIV AIDS (PLWHA). Self-disclosure to children may increase motivation to live through the ARV treatment. Therefore, the main theme emerged was releasing one's burdens to rise in life