“…A list that captures all knowledge being taught is obviously not possible, but to describe the diversity of knowledge taught there are some examples given related to elementary arithmetic with base ten blocks (Speiser & Walter, 2010), sound intensity and brightness (Riede, 2010), ranking statistical data (Carmona & Greenstein, 2010;English, 2010;Mousolides et al, 2010), solving linear pattern tasks (Amit & Neria, 2010), solving problems with geometry (Stillman, Brown, & Galbraith, 2010), with technology (Confrey & Maloney, 2007), different representations of functions (Arzarello, Pezzi & Robutti, 2007), calculus (Araújo & Salvador, 2001), non linear situations (De Bock, Van Dooren & Janssens, 2007), multi-variable functions (Nisawa & Moriya, 2011), interdisciplinary projects (Ng, 2011), traffic models (Blomhøj & Hoff Kjeldsen, 2011), etc....…”