A simple dynamic system with dry friction is studied theoretically and numerically. Models of systems including dry friction are not easily obtained, as defining the relationship between the friction force and the relative velocity presents a significant challenge. It is known that friction forces exhibit notable discontinuities when there is a change in the direction of motion. Additionally, when the relative motion ceases, the friction force can assume any value within a certain range. In the literature, numerous models of dry friction are presented, and most of them assume a biunivocal dependency of the friction force with respect to relative velocity. The dynamic system considered here is a tilted rod with spherical ends, initially at rest. Dry friction forces are evident at the contact point with the horizontal plane. The ball–plane contact highlights the rolling friction or/and sliding friction. The problem is theoretically solved after adopting one of the two cases of friction: rolling friction or sliding friction. The nonlinear differential equations of motion have been derived, along with expressions for the magnitude of the normal reaction and the friction force. The results of the model are displayed graphically for three different sets of values for the coefficient of friction. It is revealed that there is a critical value of the coefficient of friction that determines the transition from rolling to sliding regimes. To validate the theoretical model, dynamic simulation software was utilised. The excellent match between the theoretical predictions and the results from the numerical simulation confirms the accuracy of the proposed analytical solution.