A transient mathematical model has been developed which describes the behavior of packed-bed catalytic converters during warmup. Model predictions agree very well with the results of enginedynamometer experiments for three Ptalumina catalysts of widely different properties, thus demonstrating the validity of the model.
General Motors Research LaboratoriesWarren, MI 48090
SCOPEUnited States federal regulations of automobile exhaust emissions are based on pollutant emissions measured while driving a vehicle over a prescribed driving schedule referred to as the Federal Test Procedure (FTP). This standardized emission test procedure requires that the vehicle under test be at room temperature for a minimum of 12 h before the test. For a short period of time after the cold start, emissions of hydrocarbons and CO from the engine are quite high due to the operation of the choke. To compound the problem, the catalyst is relatively cold at this time and thus is not fully operational. As a result of the combination of the high engine-out emissions and the low catalyst efficiencies, CO and hydrocarbon emissions during the first few minutes of the ETP (i.e., warmup period) account for a large fraction of the overall FTP tailpipe emissions (Pozniak, 1980;Kummer, 1980). Consequently, improving the warmup performance of catalytic converters is an effective means of reducing CO and hydrocarbon emissions on the FTP test.As is evident from the results of engine-dynamometer experiments presented here, catalyst properties have a strong influence on converter warmup performance. The converter models previously reported in the literature (e.g., Kuo et al., 1971;Harned, 1972;Bauerle and Nobe, 1973;Ferguson and Finlayson, 1974) were not designed to include details about the catalyst pellets and thus are not well-suited for studying the effects of the parameters associated with catalyst design. In our previous paper (Oh et al., 1980), a detailed mathematical model was developed which describes the behavior of a single catalyst pellet under transient conditions encountered during the warmup period of automobile exhaust catalytic converters. The singlepellet model treated catalyst pellets as composite porous media composed of concentric shells of differing physical and chemical properties. Such a multilayered configuration was found to be especially convenient for examining how the lightoff behavior of a catalyst pellet is influenced by its properties, such as the poison penetration depth, and the location and width of the noble metal band.In this paper, the second part of our converter modeling studies, we couple the single-pellet model with a mixing cell scheme to develop a mathematical model which is capable of predicting the warmup performance of the entire catalytic converter. Some of the results of model calculations presented provide useful insights into the dynamic behavior of packed-bed catalytic converters during warmup. In addition, the validity of the converter model is tested by comparing model predictions with the results of e...