Long-distance energy pipelines are subject to risks of repeated hazards and posing pipeline safety problems. Hazards that may attack the pipelines are environmental and human activities. In this study, the risks of hazards on pipeline were assessed using Geographic Information System (GIS) as research on pipeline risk assessment using GIS is quite limited. Satellites help to monitor pipelines from space. The study spatially analyzes the risks that a pipeline encounters and the Kurdistan oil pipeline from Taq Taq oil field to Peshkhabur was used as a case study. Six criteria including distance to cities and villages, rivers, roads, slopes, and temperature in cold and hot weather were considered. Weight is given to each criterion; a maximum of 37.5% for human activities and a minimum weight of 12.5% for slope. The calculations were carried out spatially rather than through statistical operations. Three sets of maps were obtained for each criterion with different units. Then the maps were overlayed to represent a single map and the units were standardized using Fuzzy membership. The results show the risk level of each criterion along the 270 km length of the Kurdistan national pipeline.