S U M AI A R ^•Pairings between strains of Stereum hirsutum (Willd. ex Fr.) S. F. Grav nn 2",, ti-iult agar were analysed using cbanfjes it-i tnycelial morphology at-id not-i-sclt recogtiitiot-i properties as evidence of genetic tratisfer between the participants. In some eon-ihinatiotis the t-iiorphologieal evidence suggested the utiiforn-i emergence of a beterokaryoti tollowitig tiiHtitig at-id reciprocal t-iuclear migration between two compatible hotTiokaryotis. In other combinations there was evidence of strongly selective invasion by one of two nuclear types frotii a heterokaryon into a homokaryon, and in a third type of pairing there was e\-idence for acquisition b>-a homokaryon of a second mating type but not an entire nuclear getiome.Combinations representing each of these three apparent classes of genetic transfer were selected, and r-t-i\-ceha grown from single hyphal tips and/or basidiospores taken either from pure cultures of the progenitor strains or from subeultures from interacting colonies. The DNA from each of these mycelia was extracted and analysed using restriction fragment let-igth polymorphisms to detect genon-iic differerices between straitis. The results were consistent with the interpretation of events based on morpliological criteria. The cotnbination of morphological and molecular approaches holds considerable potential for rapid, yet precise investigation of genetic exchange between fungal strains isolated from natural populations which have not been the subject of extensi\-e genetic analysis by classical meatis.