Abstract-Traditional rotary drilling for planetary rock sampling, in-situ analysis and sample return, is challenging because the axial force and holding torque requirements are not necessarily compatible with lightweight spacecraft architectures in low-gravity environments. This article seeks to optimize an ultrasonic-percussive drill tool to achieve rock penetration with lower reacted force requirements, with a strategic view towards building an Ultrasonic Planetary Core Drill (UPCD) device. The UPCD is a descendant of the Ultrasonic/Sonic Driller/Corer (USDC) technique. In these concepts, a transducer and horn (typically resonant at around 20kHz) is used to excite a toroidal free-mass which oscillates chaotically between the horn tip and drill base at lower frequencies (generally between 10Hz to 1kHz). This creates a series of stress pulses which are transferred through the drill-bit to the rock surface and, while the stress at the drill-bit tip/rock interface exceeds the compressive strength of the rock, cause fractures that result in fragmentation of the rock. This facilitates augering and downward progress. In order to ensure that the drill-bit tip delivers the greatest effective impulse (the time-integral of the drill-bit tip/rock pressure curve exceeding the strength of the rock), parameters such as the spring rates and the mass of the free-mass, drill-bit and transducer have been varied and compared in both computer simulation and in practical experiment. The most interesting findings, and those of particular relevance to deep drilling, indicate that increasing the mass of the drill-bit has a limited (or even positive) influence on the rate of effective impulse delivered.