The objective of this study was to evaluate age related changes age related changes in physical (structure/mechanical properties) and chemical (elemental/inorganic mineral content) properties of cementum layers interfacing dentin.
Human mandibular molars (N=43) were collected and sorted by age
(younger = 19–39, middle = 40–60, older = 61–81
years). The structures of primary and secondary cementum (PC, SC) types were evaluated using light and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Chemical composition of cementum layers were
characterized through gravimetric analysis by estimating ash weight and
concentrations of Ca, Mn, and Zn trace elements in the analytes through
inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. The hardness of PC and SC was
determined using microindentation and site-specific reduced elastic modulus
properties were determined using nanoindentation techniques.
PC contained fibrous, 1–3 µm wide hygroscopic radial
PDL-inserts. SC illustrated PC-like structure adjacent to a multilayered
architecture composing of regions that contained mineral dominant lamellae.
The width of cementum dentin junction (CDJ) decreased as measured from
cementum enamel junction (CEJ) to the tooth apex (49–21µm),
and significantly decreased with age (44–23µm;
p<0.05). The inorganic ratio defined as the ratio of post-burn to
pre-burn increased with age within primary cementum (PC) and secondary
cementum (SC). Cementum showed an increase in hardness with age (PC
(0.40–0.46GPa), SC (0.37–0.43GPa)), while dentin showed a
decreasing trend (coronal dentin (0.70–0.72GPa); apical dentin (0.63
– 0.73 GPa)).
The observed physicochemical changes are indicative of an increased
mineralization of cementum and CDJ over time. Changes in tissue properties
of the teeth can alter overall tooth biomechanics, and in turn the entire
bone-tooth complex including the periodontal ligament. This study provides
baseline information about the changes in physicochemical properties of
cementum with age, which can be identified as adaptive in nature.