Abstract.The left-invariant sub-Riemannian problem on the group of motions of a plane is considered. Sub-Riemannian geodesics are parameterized by Jacobi's functions. Discrete symmetries of the problem generated by reflections of pendulum are described. The corresponding Maxwell points are characterized, on this basis an upper bound on the cut time is obtained.
Mathematics Subject
IntroductionProblems of sub-Riemannian geometry have been actively studied by geometric control methods, see books [2,3,7,10]. One of the central and hard questions in this domain is a description of cut and conjugate loci. Detailed results on the local structure of conjugate and cut loci were obtained in the 3-dimensional contact case [1,6]. Global results are restricted to symmetric low-dimensional cases, primarily for left-invariant problems on Lie groups (the Heisenberg group [5,22], the growth vector (n, n(n + 1)/2) [9,11,12], the groups SO(3), SU(2), SL(2) and the Lens Spaces [4]).The paper continues this direction of research: we start to study the left-invariant sub-Riemannian problem on the group of motions of a plane SE(2). This problem has important applications in robotics [8] and vision [13]. On the other hand, this is the simplest sub-Riemannian problem where the conjugate and cut loci differ one from another in the neighborhood of the initial point.The main result of the work is an upper bound on the cut time t cut given in Theorem 5.4: we show that for any sub-Riemannian geodesic on SE(2) there holds the estimate t cut ≤ t, where t is a certain function defined on the cotangent space at the identity. In a forthcoming paper [21] we prove that in fact t cut = t. The bound on the cut time is obtained via the study of discrete symmetries of the problem and the corresponding Maxwell points -points where two distinct sub-Riemannian geodesics of the same length intersect one another.This work has the following structure. In Section 1 we state the problem and discuss existence of solutions. In Section 2 we apply Pontryagin Maximum Principle to the problem. The Hamiltonian system for normal extremals is triangular, and the vertical subsystem is the equation of mathematical pendulum. In Section 3Keywords and phrases. Optimal control, sub-Riemannian geometry, differential-geometric methods, left-invariant problem, Lie group, Pontryagin Maximum Principle, symmetries, exponential mapping, Maxwell stratum. * The second author is partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and we endow the cotangent space at the identity with special elliptic coordinates induced by the flow of the pendulum, and integrate the normal Hamiltonian system in these coordinates. Sub-Riemannian geodesics are parameterized by Jacobi's functions. In Section 4 we construct a discrete group of symmetries of the exponential mapping by continuation of reflections in the phase cylinder of the pendulum. In the main Section 5 we obtain an explicit description of Maxwell strata corresponding to the group of discrete symmetries, and prove the upper ...