We show how one can construct a simple exchange functional by extending the wellknow local-density approximation (LDA) to finite uniform electron gases. This new generalized local-density approximation (GLDA) functional uses only two quantities: the electron density ρ and the curvature of the Fermi hole α. This alternative "rung 2" functional can be easily coupled with generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) functionals to form a new family of "rung 3" meta-GGA (MGGA) functionals that we
INTRODUCTIONDue to its moderate computational cost and its reasonable accuracy, Kohn-Sham (KS) density-functional theory 1,2 (DFT) has become the workhorse of electronic structure calculations for atoms, molecules and solids. 3 To obtain accurate results within DFT, one only requires the exchange and correlation functionals, which can be classified in various families depending on their physical input quantities. 4,5 These various types of functionals are classified by the Jacob's ladder of DFT 6,7 (see Fig. 1). The local-density approximation (LDA) sits on the first rung of the Jacob's ladder and only uses as input the electron density ρ. The generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) corresponds to the second rung and adds the gradient of the electron density ∇ρ as an extra ingredient. The third rung is composed by the so-called meta-GGA (MGGA) functionals 8 which uses, in addition to ρ and ∇ρ, the kinetic energy density τ = occ i |∇ψ i | 2 (where ψ i is an occupied molecular orbital). The infinite uniform electron gas (IUEG) or jellium 9-13 is a much studied and wellunderstood model system, and hence a logical starting point for local exchange-correlation approximations. 14-22 Though analytical models are scarce, we have recently discovered an entire new family of analytical models that one can use to develop new exchange and correlation functionals within DFT. 23-29 Indeed, we have shown that, by constraining n electrons on a surface of a three-dimensional sphere (or 3-sphere), one can create finite uniform electron gases (FUEGs). 13,27,30 Here, we show how to use these FUEGs to create a new type of exchange functionals applicable to any type of systems. We have already successfully applied this strategy to one-dimensional systems, 28,31,32 for which we have created a correlation functional based on this idea. 25,26 Moreover, we show that these alternative second-rung functionals can be easily coupled to GGA functionals to form a new family of third-rung MGGA functionals. Unless otherwise stated, we use atomic units throughout.
II. THEORYWithin DFT, one can write the total exchange energy as the sum of its spin-up (σ = ↑) and spin-down (σ = ↓) contributions:2 Hartree Rung 1:Rung 2:Rung 2 : whereand ρ σ is the electron density of the spin-σ electrons. Although, for sake of simplicity, we sometimes remove the subscript σ, we only use spin-polarized quantities from hereon.The first-rung LDA exchange functional (or D30 33 ) is based on the IUEG 13 and readswhere3 A GGA functional (second rung) is defined aswhere F GGA x is th...