(732,640,204). The mineral occurs as a colorless-to-white matted nest, approximately 3 ϫ 1 mm in size, of randomly scattered fibrous to acicular crystals at the Funderburk prospect, Pike County, Arkansas, U.S.A. Associated minerals on the holotype specimen are quartz, goethite, dickite and cinnabar; other minerals reported from the locality include barite, calcite, calomel, eglestonite, fluorapatite, galena, livingstonite, native mercury, metacinnabar, montroydite, perhamite, pyrite, siderite, stibiconite, stibnite and terlinguaite. Artsmithite is a secondary phase most probably formed from the breakdown of primary cinnabar and apatite. Individual needles are elongate [001], colorless, transparent, with a length-to-width ratio in excess of 100:1, and they average about 0.5 mm in length. Artsmithite is vitreous, with an off-white to cream streak, no obvious cleavage, irregular fracture; it is nonfluorescent, and the needles are flexible. D(calc.) is 6.40 g/cm 3 for the formula inferred from the crystal-structure analysis. It is biaxial positive, and all indices of refraction exceed 1.80; 2V (meas.) 60°; r < v, distinct; length slow with Z ≈ c. (732,640,204). Le minéral se présente en amas de cristaux aciculaires incolores ou blancs non orientés, mesurant environ 3 ϫ 1 mm, à l'indice Funderburk, comté de Pike, en Arkansas, aux Etats-Unis. Lui sont associés sur l'échantillon holotype: quartz, goethite, dickite et cinnabre; on a aussi trouvé barite, calcite, calomel, eglestonite, fluorapatite, galène, livingstonite, mercure natif, métacinnabre, montroydite, perhamite, pyrite, sidérite, stibiconite, stibnite et terlinguaïte à cet endroit. La artsmithite est une phase secondaire, tout probablement le résultat d'une déstabilisation du cinnabre et de la fluorapatite.