We study the linear response to strain in a mean field elastoplastic model for athermal amorphous solids, incorporating the power-law mechanical noise spectrum arising from plastic events. In the "jammed" regime of the model, where the plastic activity exhibits a non-trivial slow relaxation referred to as aging, we find that the stress relaxes incompletely to an age-dependent plateau, on a timescale which grows with material age. We determine the scaling behaviour of this aging linear response analytically, finding that key scaling exponents are universal and independent of the noise exponent µ. For µ > 1, we find simple aging, where the stress relaxation timescale scales linearly with the age tw of the material. At µ = 1, which corresponds to interactions mediated by the physical elastic propagator, we find instead a t 1/2 w scaling arising from the stretched exponential decay of the plastic activity. We compare these predictions with measurements of the linear response in computer simulations of a model jammed system of repulsive soft athermal particles, during its slow dissipative relaxation towards mechanical equilibrium, and find good agreement with the theory.