The dynamical properties
of physically and chemically adsorbed
water molecules at pristine hematite-(001) surfaces have been studied
by means of nonequilibrium
ab initio
molecular dynamics
(NE-AIMD) in the
ensemble at room temperature,
in the presence of externally applied, uniform static electric fields
of increasing intensity. The dissociation of water molecules to form
chemically adsorbed species was scrutinized, in addition to charge
redistribution and Grotthus proton hopping between water molecules.
Dynamical properties of the adsorbed water molecules and OH
and H
ions were gauged, such as the hydrogen
bonds between protons in water molecules and the bridging oxygen atoms
at the hematite surface, as well as the interactions between oxygen
atoms in adsorbed water molecules and iron atoms at the hematite surface.
The development of Helmholtz charge layers via water breakup at Fe
–hematite/water interfaces is also an
interesting feature, with the development of protonic conduction on
the surface and more bulk-like water.